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"I have said over and over how much I love a good blue polish, and I have never meant it more t

True Fiction True Blue

Nailvanna,nail polish reviews,lacquer,True Fiction,True Blue,Ink

I was on my lunch break at work and I ran across the street to the little drug store to grab a drink. I noticed the shiny new nail polish display and I knew I would be shopping! I had never heard of True Fiction nail polish. I found the bottle appealing right away. A perfect little square that looked so clean. The first one I picked up was True Blue. It really looks like ink in the bottle and I was hoping it would translate nicely to the nail. Of course as soon as I got back to the office I had to show all the girls my pretty new finds and they graciously entertained my brand of crazy. They really are awesome! I wasted no time in trying out True Blue. It comes with a soft and thin brush that I prefer. I feel that this gives me the most control over the polish however it all comes down to preference. My brush had a bit of a curve to it that I found a little strange so I checked the brushes in other bottles (as if you did not already know I purchased more than one) and there was no curve to any of the other brushes. I think this might be a one off but since it did not affect my application at all I was not concerned. The formula is thin but not runny. The thin brushes also help prevent the overloading of your brush with polish as well. I applied a thin first coat and I barely needed a second. True Blue is very well pigmented! Only a few spots needed it but since it was not perfect i did apply that second coat. The color is just as stunning on the nail as it is in the bottle and then some. A deep inky midnight blue that looks metallic but lacks the irritating brush strokes that quite often accompany a color like this one. It did not dry very glossy but it did dry fast. I applied a layer of top coat to give it a glossy finish, and I was in love. I have said over and over how much I love a good blue polish and I have never meant it more than I do today! It's just about time for a pedi and this baby is going on my toes as well.

Nailvanna,nail polish reviews,lacquer,True Fiction,True Blue,Ink

I added some abstract silver for a very festive manicure. This would definitely have made an awesome Christmas or even New Years manicure. I am also very curious to try True Blue out as a stamping polish and I have a feeling that it's going to perform well. I do also have to mention that when wearing this one you are going to need protection. In a way I was expecting a touch of blue staining on my nails, and it was very minimal so that a minute or two of scrubbing with acetone soaked cotton pad did take care of it but it got through two layers of base coat. Totally worth it if you ask me but if you are not a blue nail polish lover you might find that a bit annoying. Since I am just about never without nail polish on my nails I can live with a hint of discoloration but this time it was a short lived problem. I am pretty excited to try another color from True Fiction and it will be something light so I can stamp over it with True Blue. I found my bottles at Lovell Drugs but I have also found True Fiction online. Their headquarter is in Vancouver, Canada and the polishes are five free and fabulous. They also contain NO animal-derived ingredients and are not tested on animals.

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