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Friday's Flirtatious Fun!

Kokie Flirt Alert

Nailvanna,nail polish reviews,lacquer,Kokie,Flirt Alert,pink

TGIF! I am really looking forward to this weekend. It's the weekend before Valentines day and I have a mani date with Lil' Miss Nailvanna. She has requested glitter and emoji stamps on her nails and she has been trying to decide what color she wants as a base for days now. She was eyeballing my Kokie Flirt Alert and I can't really fault her for it. Its a beautiful pink from the Rapidgel line that I have really come to love. These are not really a gel as they apply and remove just like a normal nail polish – no UV light or soaking required but dry very glossy. They have the squishy look of gel polish that camouflages imperfections on your nails like ridges or dings. Every polish from the Rapigel line that I have tried so far has had an amazing formula including Flirt Alert. Two easy coats will give you perfect opacity. Even though they dry very glossy I add top coat for protection and extended wear.

Nailvanna,nail polish reviews,lacquer,Kokie,Flirt Alert,pink

Red and pink clash together so well! I love the color combo but was not overly happy with my stamp job. To be quite honest I was not even going to post this picture, but it's a good lesson on what not to do so I decided to go ahead and own it. Usually, while I am painting my nails I am focused on the task at hand, giving it my full attention. This time however I was having a conversation that was distracting me and I used too much pressure with my stamper. That is all it took to give those waves in the images and my hot mess index finger that we are not even going to talk about. I might just have to pull this image plate out again next week for a do over. Making mistakes can be a good thing as long as you learn something from them. In this case I am hoping my mistake will help you to get better results, and that is why I decided to post this picture. Even with the flawed stamping I really loved the way my nails looked. I received a ton of compliments on them and not one person pointed out that red and pink clash!

Disclaimer! I have received these as press samples from Kokie Cosmetics (pronounced Co-Key) . At Nailvanna we pride ourselves on honesty, openness and transparency and you can read my full disclosure statement here concerning our reviewing practices.

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