It's An OODOO Thing!
Love Lacquer Voodoo
I received nail mail two days in a row and that makes for a pretty good week. It's like Christmas came early! OK so what if I bough it myself? I know what I like. The black Friday sales were just too good to resist. One of my friends mentioned I should check out Love Lacquer, an indie brand that is hand made in small batches in New Orleans, Louisiana. I loved that shortly after placing my order I received a message through Instagram advising me my order has been shipped and it included a tracking number. The little things like this personalized service always makes such a pleasant experience and it's one of the things I love about buying indies. Add to that the knowledge that I am helping support someone who is passionate about something that I love and I feel pretty good about my choice. I chose Voodoo as my first polish to try. It was thinner than I thought it would be but not runny. It's a really nice polish to work with and right off the bat I wondered how this one will stamp. I applied two coats for opacity. What a gorgeous colour! A shifty purple in a black base that has some serious vamp appeal. I caught flashes of blues and amethyst in there as well and if it had not been so overcast and gloomy today I might have seen more colors. Two coats with top coat in the picture above.
Love Lacquer Hoodoo
I really enjoyed playing with Voodoo and thought I would keep going and try Hoodoo on top. A flakie multicrome topper that also had a great formula. I really liked the consistency of both of these polishes. Hoodoo shifts from blue to purple as well, but it's a bit more frosty. I applied one generous layer and added topcoat. I don't feel that I got the best results by putting it on top of Voodoo because I don't think there was much I could have done to make Voodoo any prettier. I was seriously crushing on it. Hoodoo has a lot of potential and I am going to try it again on a black base another day because I love how strong the shift is on it and I would love to see more of it.
My first impression of Love Lacquer was great. From placing my order to the polish itself I could not find a single reason why I would not order from them again. From looking though their website I learned that a lot of care and effort is put into creating a great product. If you have not taken the plunge yet I would recommend checking out the indie market. Love Laquer is a good place to start with a very reasonable price point. I am glad I did.