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Memory Lane

KB Shimmer Leaf Of Faith

KB Shimmer Leaf Of Faith

KB Shimmer Leaf Of Faith is a red jelly base that has plenty of red orange and gold glitter in various sizes. The holographic glitters gives this polish so much depth and I did not have to go fishing for them. I applied three easy coats to my nails, with top coat. Leaf Of Faith is KB Shimmers homage to the glorious Sweetgums and Sugar Maples, and all the others trees that star in natures fall show. I love the colors in this polish as they embody fall to perfection. As much as I love summer some of my favorite memories ever are set during this season when Mr. Nailvanna and I were still just teenagers sneaking out for walks on leaf covered trails. If we only knew then what we know now! Definitely a keeper! Leaf Of Faith has so much depth and sparkle to it in any light that I felt no need for add anything to it. Yet... My glitter toppers and stamper remained untouched. Removal will take a minute or two extra but is not at all an issue. I used straight acetone for it but as long as you remember to moisturize your hands and cuticles properly afterwards it's not too harsh. Definitely a new fall favorite!

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