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Orly Glowstick

Nailvanna, nail polish reviews,lacquer,Orly,Glowstick,yellow,neon

My bottle of Orly Glowstick glowed in the bottle and I really hopped that it would be just as bright on my nails. I was not taking any chances and made sure to apply a white base coat before starting to paint my nails.The formula was easy to control and I had no issues with the application. I was a touch worried that it would be a bit chalky as a neon can sometimes be but there was no trace of that. I applied three thin coats and the results were smooth and streak free. I added my customary layer of top coat before taking this picture. Getting the picture was a struggle as it usually is when it comes to neons. I do not feel that my picture truly does Glowstick justice. It's just about radioactive that pulls just a touch green. Brand new high lighter yellow not the ones that have been sitting in your junk drawer since the dawn of time. This is what neon polishes are supposed to be like in my opinion. When you wear Glowstick your nails will not go unnoticed I will grantee that. A keeper for sure!

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