White Knight
Ceramic Glaze Pure
Ceramic Glaze Pure is my newest white addition to my collection in my quest for the perfect white nail polish. It is very clean and crisp and it desperately makes me wish that I had a bit of color. Sadly I have not really had many opportunities to spend time outdoors so I am very pale but hopefully soon we can have a beach day. Warm sand beneath my toes sounds incredibly appealing right now as I sit here typing this review in my mans over sized hoodie on and a cup of hot tea beside me because it's bloody cold outside! It's June 8th and I feel like a Popsicle. At least the sun has been out even if it has been cool and that means I get to really appreciate the glitter and shimmer in my nail polish. Pure does not have any of that and it's beautiful without it. Just as the name implies it is a pure and clean white and exactly what I was looking for. I reviewed a Ceramic Glaze polish not too long ago and I found the formula very hard to work with so I was a little bit worried when I decided to try Pure. Turns out I was needlessly worried because the formula for this polish was good and easy to work with. Great consistency
and leveled very nicely. The first coat was streaky as every other white that I have tried but the formula was much more like a cream polish than white out. It may seem harsh but some of the whites I tried in the past made me feel like I was back in grade school painting my nails with white out... Oh don't act like you never did it! Once the white out dried I would decorate it with
markers or draw little designs with a pen. I always did love painting my nails. This white performed much better than I had hopped and I had opacity in three thin coats without any streaking. I was happy to see that Pure dried glossy. The picture above is with top coat. I would not call Pure perfect because I feel there is still room for improvement but I am fairly satisfied. I would love to see a white polish that applies clean and smooth without any streaks. Maybe someone has already made it and I just haven't discovered it yet.... every time I start thinking along those lines I end up buying more nail polish... Thank goodness I have a day job!