Ummm 51 Shades of Gray...
Sinful Colors Cool Gray I was trying to decide on what I would like to wear on my nails Monday and I just could not decide on a color. I...
And The Crowd Goes Wild!
Sinful Colors Rose Dust In the bottle Sinful Colors Rose Dust did not have me super excited about the color. It's a pretty pinkish mauve...
A Pleasant Unexpected Surprise!
Sally Hansen Let's Get Digital I saw Sally Hansen Let's Get Digital a few weeks ago when lil' Miss Nailvanna was waiving it at me. We...
Kommando Fails Basic Training
Sinful Colors Kommando I was in the mood for something that felt a bit seasonal but I am in no way ready to jump into anything Christmas...
She fascinates you because her soul is pure. To make her one of us, charm her, woo her, change her s
Sinful Colors Devil's Stare Sinful Colors Devil's Stare is part of the Halloween 2015 collection. An orange red jelly with iridescent hex...
Rock 'n Roll Fantasy!
Essie Frock 'n Roll Does anything look as awesome as dark glossy nails? Maybe dark glossy nails filled with silver flecks! Essie Frock 'n...
Essential Essie!
Essie Lapiz of Luxury According to Essie you should wear Lapiz of Luxury any time you would like to escape to dreamy ocean blue bliss. I...
Sinful Colors Kobalt I had one textured polish left to try from the last Sinful Colors collection that I picked up a little while back...
“I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.” ― Stephenie Meyer, Twilight
Sinful Colors After Dark Sinful Colors After Dark is a charcoal grey textured matte glitter that is far from boring. The texture is...
Sinful Colors Angelik I've been going back and forth lately between dark, vampy nails and fun, light and girly. Sinful Colors Angelik was...